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Selon les recherches scientifiques, les principaux ingrédients de ISO-SMOOTH se sont avérés pouvoir soutenir :
• La masse et la force musculaires*
• Le taux métabolique*
• L’énergie*
• Une diminution de l’appétit*
• La récupération*
• La performance*
• La synthèse des protéines musculaires*
• Le maintien d’une bonne santé*
*Ces déclarations n'ont pas été évaluées par Santé Canada. Ce produit ne vise pas à diagnostiquer, traiter, guérir ou prévenir une maladie, quelle qu’elle soit.
Selon vos besoins, mélangez 1 portion (1 mesure) d'ISO-SMOOTH dans 250 à 500 mL d'eau, de lait, de jus ou de votre boisson préférée. Pour des résultats optimaux, combinez ISO-SMOOTH à une activité physique raisonnable et à une alimentation équilibrée.
Nous sommes extrêmement fiers de notre engagement envers la science, la transparence, la communauté ainsi que vos résultats. Si les produits Blue Star Nutraceuticals ne sont pas à la hauteur, nous trouverons une solution. Il suffit de vous adresser à nos experts certifiés dans les 60 jours suivant votre achat. Vous pouvez compter sur nous. Garantie de satisfaction. Cliquez ici pour plus de détails.
If you’re comparing numbers, Iso-Smooth™ isn’t just good,
it’s categorically elite. Its astonishing protein content of 91% is among the highest of any protein supplement ever made and its leucine, BCAA, and essential amino acid proportions are high enough to have it included in the conversation of purest proteins available today.
Thanks to decades of scientific research, it’s universally accepted that protein supplementation has real, significant, and meaningful positive effects on muscle mass, muscle strength, and muscle quality in people of all ages.
In North America, the reference daily intake (RDI) of protein is just under half a gram for every pound of bodyweight. However, a high number of academic experts in protein metabolism strongly recommend consuming as much as twice that amount to maintain muscle size, and as much as three times that amount to maximize weightlifting-induced muscle growth.
In terms of muscle growth, scientific research has clearly identified that whey protein is superior to soy, casein, egg, and vegan protein when measuring absorption, delivery, and stimulation. Simply put, whey protein is the single most effective muscle-building protein.
All Whey. Always. 100% of the protein in Iso-Smooth™ is whey protein. Zero fillers. Zero substitutes. Zero exceptions.
Even when a protein supplement claims to be “100% Whey”, it’s important to investigate one step further. Whey concentrate is a low-cost, low-quality version of whey that contains as little as 34% protein. Why isolate is a more expensive and far superior product containing more than 90% protein. When results matter, the purity and performance of your protein is vital, and whey concentrate just doesn’t contend.
“Unbelievable”, “outstanding”, and “extraordinary” aren’t words that are usually used to describe a protein supplement, especially one as pure as Iso-Smooth™. But then again, Iso-Smooth™ is no ordinary protein. With over 25 years of combined experience, it’s safe to say the Blue Star Nutraceuticals R&D team knows a thing or two about making great flavors. That’s why the brand Iso-Smooth™ flavors aren’t just good – they’re “unbelievable”, “outstanding”, “extraordinary”, and now, award-winning.
That’s not just a claim, it’s a fact. The whey protein isolate in Iso-Smooth™ comes from biPro®, a trademarked whey protein isolate with an astonishing purity of 97.6%. Make no mistake, this is the single purest protein commercially available in the world today and one of only a handful that can scientifically claim to be free of sugar, lactose, cholesterol, and fat.
In most cases, fitting 30 grams of pure protein into a single serving would require drastically increasing the serving size. But not with Iso-Smooth™. The biPro® whey protein isolate is Iso-Smooth™ is so pure that you get everything you need in one, delicious, high-protein, low-calorie serving.
Our fully transparent white papers detail how we go from molecular mechanism to clinical outcome, challenging each individual ingredient at every stage with painstaking detail. However, if that's not for you - we've laid out the clinical research on the key ingredient in Iso-Smooth™.
Great product I recommend to everyone I know
Best tasting powder out there, I find I have more energy and faster recovery.
It’s great, specially the chocolat peanut butter !
Easy to mix, tastes great. Highly recommend.
New for me. Great stuff, I add a splash of pure cranberry juice, my favorite combo so far..
Vanilla bean is good but not as flavourful as I would like. Dissolves well in water. Still trying to find a balance with adding all of these extra calories in from the protein shakes while trying to eat a balanced diet.
Great tasty followed by fantastic results. Win,win.
I am a senior citizen. Seniors everywhere need protein supplement. I can build my muscles back but they do not sustain themselves without a good diet and Iso-Smooth. I recommend this product to all seniors. It is amazingly superior to the standard seniors protein supplements and the flavours are amazing. They taste great! Seniors need to sustain their muscles for a good quality of life.
Almost done my first container and definitely enjoying it. Great tasting and easily mixed in a shaker! I think I found my new protein.
I bought the vanilla flavored and it is very good. Good neutral flavor to add other things ie fruit if you wish. Mixes well. No clumps
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