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Selon les recherches scientifiques, les principaux ingrédients de GLYCODRIVE se sont avérés pouvoir soutenir :
• Une augmentation jusqu'à 67% du stockage du glycogène*(1)
• Une diminution jusqu'à 69% des dommages musculaires*(2)
• Une augmentation de 39% du glucose éliminé dans les 30 minutes suivant un repas riche en glucides*(3)
• Une meilleure sensibilité à l’insuline*
• Un meilleur contrôle de la glycémie*
• Une activation accrue des transporteurs de glucose (GLUT4)*
(1) Ruby BC et al. The addition of fenugreek extract (Trigonella foenum-graecum) to glucose feeding increases muscle glycogen resynthesis after exercise. Amino Acids 28:71-76, 2005.
(2) A Human study on the Anti-inflammatory Effects of ActiGin® in Muscles after High-intensity Exercise. Unpublished Actigin Dossier
(3) Hou CW, Lee SD, Kao CL, Cheng IS, Lin YN, Chuang SJ, Chen CY, Ivy JL, Huang CY, Kuo CH. Improved Inflammatory Balance of Human Skeletal Muscle during Exercise after Supplementations of the Ginseng-Based Steroid Rg1. PLoS One 10(1); e0116387.doi10.1371/journal.pone.0116387, 2015.
*Ces déclarations n'ont pas été évaluées par Santé Canada. Ce produit ne vise pas à diagnostiquer, traiter, guérir ou prévenir une maladie, quelle qu’elle soit.
Prendre 1 portion (1 capsule) de GLYCODRIVE avec 250 à 500 mL d’eau à un repas élevé en glucides. Pour des résultats optimaux, combinez GLYCODRIVE à une activité physique raisonnable et à une alimentation équilibrée.
Nous sommes extrêmement fiers de notre engagement envers la science, la transparence, la communauté ainsi que vos résultats. Si les produits Blue Star Nutraceuticals ne sont pas à la hauteur, nous trouverons une solution. Il suffit de vous adresser à nos experts certifiés dans les 60 jours suivant votre achat. Vous pouvez compter sur nous. Garantie de satisfaction. Cliquez ici pour plus de détails.
The new GlycoDrive™ isn’t just an advancement of itself — it’s an advancement of nutraceuticals altogether. It puts the power of glycogen recovery in the palm of your hands. It helps eliminate carb-consumption remorse.
And whether you use it before a carb-heavy meal or a marathon lift session, GlycoDrive™ will increase carbohydrate delivery to your muscles more than anything that’s ever come before it.
The new GlycoDrive™ contains ActiGin™, the same trademarked ingredient used by professional athletes and fitness models to increase glycogen storage by up to 370%. This breakthrough ingredient also helps GlycoDrive™ decrease muscle damage by up to 69% and increase muscle energy by up to 22%. So don’t just use GlycoDrive™ before you eat, use it after you train for results and recovery just like the pros.
Carbs aren’t your problem - where you’re storing them is. After you eat, your body breaks down carbohydrates into glucose and then releases insulin which delivers the glucose into your muscles where it’s stored as glycogen. Your muscles use this glycogen for size, strength, and energy. Unfortunately, sometimes your muscles decide on their own that they have enough glucose. When this happens, the glucose goes to your fat cells and the muscle-building benefits are lost. Use GlycoDrive™ before carb-heavy meals to encourage your body to send glucose to your muscles — and away from your fat. One serving. One purpose. That’s the power of GlycoDrive™.
The moment you take your first serving of GlycoDrive™, you’re not just opening a bottle, you’re opening an opportunity. The opportunity for your body to begin working for you, not against you. Is that an opportunity you want to miss? By combining new research, new technology, and new ingredients, we created an entirely new product. It will forever change the way you look at carbohydrates. Afterall, they’re not the problem — where they go is. Now finally, GlycoDrive™ is here to do something about it.
The power of GlycoDrive™ is in its persistence. It doesn’t care if you’re craving a pastry or polishing off a whole pizza — it just goes to work. Relentlessly transporting carbohydrates to your muscles with astonishing persistence. There’s a certain feeling you get when your body is properly shuttling everything inside to all the right spots. Physically, you’re better prepared. Mentally, you’re more aware. Emotionally, you’re undeterred. No matter when or why you use it, GlycoDrive™ rolls up its sleeves and goes to work. So whether you’re sitting down to the table or strapping in for set, you can always be sure that GlycoDrive™ is helping you out.
Guys who are trying to burn fat or build ripped muscle love GlycoDrive™ for its ability to increase insulin sensitivity. With increased insulin sensitivity your body will produce less insulin after consuming carbohydrates. And since your body has a difficult time burning fat in the presence of insulin, low levels are ideal.
For Blue Star Nutraceuticals users, GlycoDrive™ is instantly familiar, yet altogether new. You know that what you’re getting is a premium quality, top of the market supplement — the result of countless years of cutting-edge research. You know that what’s on the label is what’s in the bottle. You know that athletes of every level from around the world are already using Blue Star Nutraceuticals every day to deliver results they just don’t see from other brands. And you know that, no matter what, your success is backed by our 60-day guarantee.
Our fully transparent white papers detail how we go from molecular mechanism to clinical outcome, challenging each individual ingredient at every stage with painstaking detail. However, if that's not for you - we've laid out the clinical research on the key ingredient in GH Peak.
Graph #1: In a placebo-controlled double blind cross over design, 6 trained male athletes were evaluated for glycogen re-synthesis following a post-workout carbohydrate meal. 4 after a carbohydrate meal, a biopsy was taken from the vastus lateralis and muscle glycogen was measured. A key ingredient in GlycoDrive™ when combined with carbohydrates elicits a 67% greater increase in glycogen synthesis than carbohydrates alone ( p < 0.05). Graph #2: In a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled crossover trial, a standardized meal consisting of 70% carbohydrate was received by all participants along with a placebo or a key ingredient in GlycoDrive™. A key ingredient in GlycoDrive™ led to an overall greater glucose tolerance over 180 minutes ( p < 0.05) and a 17% lower peak in plasma glucose after the meal ( p < 0.05).*
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